Jagalah Dedaun Kita

91.44 (H) X 121.92 (W) cm

Mixed Media (Acrylic and Collage using Used Materials)


Jagalah Dedaun Kita. Let us protect our leaves.

An orang utan is surrounded by lush leaves in various shapes, sizes and colours, mostly painted using leaf printing techniques and brushstrokes. The leaves depict our rainforest rich in biodiversity. It is the habitat, home and livelihood for many wildlife which is represented by the orang utan.
Orang utan is sad and angry, at the destruction of its home. This can be seen through the reflection in his eyes, where fire is burning his home. The orang utan is created using collage, from used gift wrappers and plastic food packaging. The usage of these materials symbolise the future of our endangered species if we do not protect them now.

The next generation will only get to know them through books (papers) and toys (plastic). Turning trash into art is also a way to encourage others to upcycle used materials.
Jagalah Dedaun Kita is a plea to protect our rainforest, its rich biodiversity and our unique Sarawakian plants and wildlife so the next generation can still enjoy the natural beauty of mother earth.

This piece was exhibited virtually and on site at ‘Leaves’ Art Exhibition as part of Sarawakiana Festival Exhibition in Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Kuching, Sept 2021.

The video of the artwork can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsGHEwu9UNg&t=143s

SOLD. This piece is currently part of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak’s Art Collection.

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